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MCQ Questions Hydrogen Class 11 Inorganic Chemistry Chapter 9

NCERT Inorganic Chemistry Hydrogen Class 11 Chapter 9, Important MCQ Questions for Jee Mains | NEET | Class 11.

Prepare these important Questions of Hydrogen in Inorganic Chemistry, Latest questions to expect in Jee Mains | NEET | School Exams.


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1. Hydrogen is placed in which place in the periodic table?​

1. Group 18

2. Separately in the Periodic Table

3. Group 17

4. Group 1

2. Catalyst used in the reaction of CO with steam is​

1. Copper Chromate

2. Cadmium Oxide

3. Nickel

4. Iron Chromate

3. Internuclear distance between H2 and D2 is:​

1. More for H2

2. More for D2

3. Equal for both

4. Vary with Temperature

4. Arrange the following in their increasing order of bond energy.​

1. H2, F2, D2

2. F2, H2, D2

3. D2, F2, H2

4. H2, D2, F2

5. Presently most of the industrial dihydrogen gas is prepared from __​

1. Electrolysis of water

2. Coal

3. Petrochemicals

4. Electrolysis of brine

6. Single Bond energy is highest for which molecule?​

1. H-H Bond

2. C-C Bond

3. F-F Bond

4. Cl-Cl Bond

7. The ionization energy of hydrogen is similar to which of the following halogen?​

1. Fluorine

2. Chlorine

3. Iodine

4. Bromine

8. Choose the Correct Statement:​

1. H+ always exist in the associated form with other atoms or molecules

2. Harold C. Urey separated deuterium by chemical method

3. Deuterium is mostly formed in form of HDO

4. Hydrogen is the second most abundant element on earth in its Combined State

9. Lithium hydride reacts with aluminum chloride to give:​

1. LiCl only

2. Aluminium Hydride

3. Lithium Aluminium Hydride

4. Both 1 and 3

10. Heavy hydrogen is:​

1. Tritium

2. Protium

3. Deuterium

4. All of the above

11. Which of the following statement is incorrect?​

1. Dihydrogen is used in the manufacture of Polyunsaturated vegetable oils

2. The largest single of dihydrogen is in the manufacturing of Ammonia

3. Many metals combine at high temperature with dihydrogen

4. Hydroformylation of alkene leads to an increase in no. of carbon atoms in the chain

12. Select the correct Statement:​

1. A mixture of CO and H2 is used for the preparation of methanoic acid

2. Methane and steam react to give carbon dioxide and hydrogen

3. Isotopes of hydrogen have almost the same physical property

4. Isotopes have a difference in their rate of reactions

13. Which of the following statement is correct?<​

1. All group 13 elements form electron-deficient compounds except Aluminum

2. Dihydrogen does not produce any Pollution

3. It produces greater energy per mole than gasoline and other fuels

4. Lithium hydride reacts with Cl2 at moderate temperature to form Hydrochloric acid

14. Which of the following makes the least contribution to the total world’s water supply?​

1. River

2. Lakes

3. Soil moisture

4. Atmospheric Water Vapor

15. Incorrect with respect to metallic hydrides:​

1. Metallic hydrides are hydrogen deficient.

2. Metallic hydride retain their metallic conductivity

3. Nickel and Actinium have different lattices from that of parent metal

4. These hydrides conduct as efficiently as their parent metals

16. The human Body consists of how much water percentage?​

1. 85%

2. 40%

3. 65%

4. 95%

17. Due to _ with polar molecules, even covalent compounds like alcohol and carbohydrates dissolve in water. Fill in the blank:​

1. Dipole induced dipole interaction

2. H-Bonding

3. Van der Waal interactions

4. London Force

18. At Atmospheric pressure ice crystallizes in:​

1. Hexagonal form

2. Trigonal form

3. Tetragonal form

4. Cubic form

19. Magnesium ion forms which ppt on treatment with washing soda and calcium hydroxide respectively?​

1. In both Mg(OH)2

2. In both MgCO3

3. MgCO3 and Mg(OH)2

4. Mg(OH)2 and MgCO3

20. In ice crystal structure distance between two oxygen atoms is about:​

1. Approximately equal to O-H bond length

2. More than the double of O-H bond length

3. Less than O-H bond length

4. More than triple of O-H bond length

21. Cation exchange resins contain ____ molecule.​

1. Large, inorganic, water-insoluble

2. Small, inorganic, water-soluble

3. Large, organic, water-insoluble

4. Small, organic, water-soluble

22. A commercially marketed sample of H₂O₂ is:​

1. 2 V

2. 10 V

3. 50 V

4. 100 V

23. Industrially Hydrogen peroxide is prepared by which method?​

1. Electrolytic oxidation of acidified sulphate solutions

2. Exhaustive electrolysis of water

3. Acidifying barium peroxide

4. Auto oxidation of 2-alkyl anthraquinols

24. BaCl2. xH2O is which type of hydrate and x is?​

1. H-bonded, 4

2. Interstitial,2

3. Interstitial,4

4. Coordinated,2

25. On Mass basis Dihydrogen can release about how much times more energy than petrol?​

1. 4 times

2. 10 times

3. 3 times

4. 30 times

26. The basic Principle of hydrogen economy is:​

1. Transportation of gas in liquid form

2. Storage in liquid form

3. Transport in liquid form

4. All of these

27. Arrange the following as per the order of energy released per gram:​

1. Hâ‚‚ (g) > CH4 > LPG > Octane

2. LPG > CH4 > Octane > Hâ‚‚ (g)

3. LPG > Hâ‚‚ (g) > CH4 > Octane

4. Hâ‚‚ (g) > LPG > CH4 > Octane

28. Arrange in order of increasing Electrical conductance:​

1. BeHâ‚‚ > TiHâ‚‚ > CaHâ‚‚

2. LPG > CH4 > Octane > Hâ‚‚ (g)

3. CaHâ‚‚ > TiHâ‚‚ > BeHâ‚‚

4. TiHâ‚‚ > CaHâ‚‚ > BeHâ‚‚

29. H₂O₂ as an antiseptic is sold in the market as:​

1. Per-carbonate

2. Cephalosporin

3. Perhydrol

4. Sodium perborate

30. ___ is added as Stabilizer in H₂O₂.​

1. Dust

2. Urea

3. Zn Powder

4. Carbamate