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MCQ Questions Redox Reactions Inorganic Chemistry Class 11 Chapter 8

NCERT Inorganic Chemistry Redox Reactions Class 11 Chapter 8, Important MCQ Questions for Jee Mains | NEET | Class 11.

Prepare these important Questions of Redox Reactions in Inorganic Chemistry, Latest questions to expect in Jee Mains | NEET | School Exams.


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1. Which of the following is correct Stock notation?

1. H(I)AuCl₃

2. HAu(I)Cl₃

3. HAuCl₃(III)

4. HAu(III)Cl₃

2. Indicator used in the titration of Potassium dichromate is:

1. Starch solution

2. Hydrogen peroxide

3. Diphenylamine

4. Biphenyl

3. Layer test is used for the detection of:

1. Bromide ion

2. Sulfide ion

3. Chloride ion

4. Fluoride ion

4. The substance to be used as a primary standard should satisfy which of the following requirements:

1. It should not be hygroscopic.

2. It should have a high relative molecular mass.

3. Its reaction with another substance should be instantaneous and stoichiometric.

4. All of these.

5. Phenolphthalein is a:

1. Weak base

2. Weak acid

3. Amphiprotic ion

4. Strong acid

6. ClO⁻ disproportionate to give:

1. Cl⁻ and ClO⁻

2. Cl₂ and ClO₄⁻

3. Cl⁻ and ClO₂⁻

4. Cl⁻ and ClO₃⁻

7. In the reaction of metallic cobalt and nickel sulphate solution, the equilibrium test reveals the presence of:

a. Ni⁺² and Co⁺²

b. Ni⁺² only

c. Co⁺² only

d. Can’t be predicted

8. The non-metal displacement redox reaction include:

1. Hydrogen and oxygen displacement.

2. Rarely hydrogen displacement, no oxygen displacement.

3. Hydrogen displacement and rarely oxygen displacement.

4. No oxygen displacement and rarely hydrogen displacement.

9. AgF₂ is a:

1. Very strong reducing agent

2. Very strong oxidising agent

3. Weakly reducing agent

4. Weakly oxidising agent

10. Which of the following metals produce dihydrogen from acids even though they could not produce it by reaction with steam:

1. Mg

2. Fe

3. Cd

4. Ca

11. Methyl orange is a:

1. Weak base

2. Weak acid

3. Amphiprotic ion

4. Strong acid

12. Sodium hydroxide and potassium permanganate are examples of:

1. Tertiary standard solution

2. They do not form standard solution

3. Primary standard solution

4. Secondary standard solution

13. Iodide ion can be oxidized to iodine by:

1. Hypo solution

2. CuSO₄

3. Alkaline KMnO₄

4. KCl

14. Iron on reaction with steam forms:

1. Fe₂O₃

2. Fe₃O₄

3. FeO₄⁻²

4. FeO

15. Choose the correct statement:

1. All alkali metals except Li will displace hydrogen from cold water.

2. All decomposition reactions are redox reactions.

3. Rhombic sulphur ongoing disproportionation forms sulphur in -2 and +3 oxidation state.

4. There is no way to convert F⁻ to F₂ by chemical means.

16. In the reaction between metallic zinc and the copper nitrate solution, using H₂S (a very sensitive test) gas, Cu⁺²:

1. Can be detected satisfactorily

2. Depend on concentration

3. Cannot be detected

4. Give black precipitate on reacting

17. Rate of hydrogen gas evolution is fastest for:

1. Na

2. Mg

3. Ca

4. Fe

18. Thiosulphate on reaction with bromine liquid forms:

1. SO₄⁻²

2. S₄O₆⁻²

3. S₂O₈⁻²

4. SO₃⁻²