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MCQ Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties Class 11 Ch.3

NCERT Inorganic Chemistry Classification of Elements and Periodicity in properties Class 11 Chemistry MCQ Questions for Jee Mains | NEET | Class 11 Examination.

Prepare these Important Questions of Classification of Elements and Periodicity in properties in Inorganic Chemistry, Latest questions to expect in Jee Mains | NEET | School Exams.


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1. Mendeleev

2. Dobereiner

3. Seaborg

4. Moseley

2. Cylindrical table of elements was given by

1. Dobereiner

2. Mendeleev

3. Lothar Meyer

4. A.E.B Chancourtois

3. Davy medal was awarded to

1. Mendeleev

2. Meyer

3. Newland

4. A.E.B Chancourtois

4. Lothar Meyer plotted which of the following properties against atomic weight?

1. Melting point

2. Boiling point

3. Atomic volume

4. All of the above

5. Who published periodic table for the first time ?

1. Meyer

2. A.E.B Chancourtois

3. Mendeleev

4. Newland

6. Melting point of which of following was expected to be high?

1. Eka-aluminium

2. Eka-silicon

3. Eka-scandium

4. Both 1 and 2

7. Which of the following belong to group VII?

A. Manganese
B. Iodine
C. Chlorine

1. Only B and C

2. A, B, C

3. Only C

4. Only B

8. Osmium and Platinum belong which group under Mendeleev periodic table?

1. VI

2. V


4. VII

9. Which of the following is correct according to IUPAC recommendation?

1. Zn – group IIB

2. Pd – group 10

3. Co – group VIA

4. Ni-family 8

10. Most widely used electronegativity scale is:

1. Mulliken Jaffe scale

2. Pauling scale

3. Allred Rochow scale

4. Both 1 and 3

11. Transuranium series begin from:

1. Uranium

2. Rutherfordium

3. Neptunium

4. Lawrencium

12. Arrange the following in increasing order of ionization energy?

1. He<Li<Li⁺<He⁺

2. Li<He<He⁺<Li⁺

3. Li<Li⁺<He<He⁺

4. Li<He<Li⁺<He⁺

13. Non-metals in periodic table comprise total number

1. Less than 78

2. More than 78

3. Less than 20

4. More than 20

14. Choose the incorrect statement.

1. Lithium is more electronegative as compared to Astatine

2. Oxides of elements in center are amphoteric or neutral

3. Highest positive electron gain enthalpy is of neon

4. Chemical reactivity is highest at two extremes of periodic table

15. Group having metal , non-metal, liquid as well as gas at room temperature is ___

1. Group 16

2. Group 18

3. Group 3

4. Group 17

16. Pitch blende is ore of ___

1. Mercury

2. Cerium

3. Uranium

4. Neptunium

17. The scientist who is generally credited with development of modern periodic table is

1. Moseley

2. Mendeleev

3. Meyer

4. Newlands

18. The symbol Uut is used for which element

1. Nihonium

2. Seaborgium

3. Flerovium

4. Neptunium

19. State true or false:

A. Soviets named element 104 as Kurchatovium.
B. Metals comprise less than 78% of all known elements.

1. T T

2. F T

3. T F

4. F T